In the clutches of plastic

Even if you want, you don't have a wide choose.

Coca-Cola, according to its own report, sells 134 billion plastic bottles a year, and that number has increased by 15 percent in the last four years.

This is not all.

Plastic production has sharply increased over the last 70 years. In 1950, the world produced just two million tonnes. It now produces over 450 million tonnes. (

Have you ever thought about plastic and your choosing as a consumer? This was the subject of my considerations some time ago. And I realized that we don't have a real choice.

Yes. Plastic is everywhere. We use it every day in various situation. It's one of the most popular material in the world (unfortunately).

Imagine a situation: you want to buy your favourite drink and you have to buy it in plastic bottle. When you want to buy a toothpaste - have to buy it in plastic packaging. Shampoo - the same. Mineral water - (in most cases) the same.

Plastic is everywhere. And very often I can hear about new ways to segregate waste (and plastic as well). But... improper segregation of waste (including plastic) not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is producing of plastic (on insane scale).

In Poland I have 8 different garbage and bags to segregate waste. It's great that we do it and care the nature. But we should radically reduce plastic production. Less new plastic means less new waste and less problem for animals on land and in the oceans.

In 1990 production of plastic in the world was 120 million tonnes. In 2024 - 459,75 million tonnes. (

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