Write means bleed

One day Ernest Hemingway said:

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.

Shocked, right?

My first reaction was similar. But when we think about it, can see hidden truth. Writing is something really personal. It's part of your soul which you are share with other people. With strangers people. It's like a blood - deep part of your body. And it's difficult when you want to write great article or essay. It's require time, knowledge and inspiration. Sometimes it takes sweat, tears and... blood, right?

Some people say you have to find the muse for writing. But the truth is that you should come back to earth. It's simple and (of course) definitely less romantic than we expect. But is that bad?

Writing is an activity like many others. It's normal thing. If you want to write something, you shouldn't waiting for good ocasion. You should do it like you clean your teeth in the morning.

And Ernest Hemingway show it in his sentence: "All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed".

How it's true!

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